Wednesday, May 16, 2012

US Calls For Russian Airborne Troops To Take And Hold Denver Airport

Focus Articles

Leaked U.S Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America

A leaked U.S. Army document prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for ?political activists? to be pacified by ?PSYOP officers? into developing an ?appreciation of U.S. policies? while detained in prison camps inside the United States. Read article here.


Stellar Wind

A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade.?Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world?s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks?.Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication,?including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails?parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital ?pocket litter.???The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be?up and running in September 2013.? In other words, in just over 1 year, virtually anything one communicatesthrough any traceable medium, or any record of one?s existence in the electronic medium, which these days is everything,?will unofficially be property of the US government to deal with as it sees fit.?The codename of the project:?Stellar Wind. Read article here


Radioactive Water One Year After The 3/11 Fukushima Attack

A few days after the one year anniversary of the Fukushima 3/11 attacks on Japan. ?The worlds largest man made ecological disaster continues to unfold. ?From ASR, a global coastal and marine consulting firm,?The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map. Read article here


New World Order: Blueprint Of Madmen

A new documentary from Alex Jones definitively declares war against the attempts to control the population through a fear of false dangers. The facts are in? terrorism as a mass threat is a hoax. It is government, and the elite who control it, that pose the real threat to humanity. This new film will serve as evidence to the fact that government is history?s greatest killer? with various regimes claiming more than 262,000,000 unnatural deaths in the 20th Century alone. Now, a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill not mere millions but billions? through their superweapons, central banking warfare model and eugenics mindset. See movie here.


Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete

The United States of America is becoming more like Nazi Germany every single day.? In fact, the Nazification of America is almost complete.? The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you.? Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany.? Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. Read article showing 25 signs that Americas Nazification is almost complete?here.


The Copyright Office Is A Corrupt Raceteering Operation For Censorship

It is a known fact that the Copyright Office has been a fraud, does nothing to protect the original content creators, and has deprived America of it?s true creativity. When facts and informational material in newspapers can be copyrighted and lead to copyright infringement lawsuits the copyright office is a known corrupt fascist front for the giant mega corporations and mega banks. Copyrights are suppose to only apply to creative material in nature as Judge Philip Pro believes posting an entire article is Fair Use for non commercial entities online since copyright should only apply to content creative in nature and facts cannot be copyrighted. ?The copyright office wants alternative media websites to disappear into a black hole. They are the biotch of the large Mega Corporations that put out propaganda for the Council of 300, the Bilderberg Group, and global power brokers. They know piracy is not the real reason for newspapers losing traffic and losing advertisement money. It is because they lie, distort, and omit the facts. The newspapers lie for the U.S. Government and banksters that really rule America and the rest of the world. Read article here


A Noble Lie: A New Film Exposing The Truth Of The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

Noble Lie: A myth or untruth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social harmony, or the social position of the elite. ? The Republic, Plato The 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City was a direct blow to the heart of America. One hundred sixty-eight people were killed, including nineteen children. For those watching the nightly news, terrorism had come home. For years following the bombing, countless victims? family members, survivors, rescuers and ordinary Americans have questioned the official accounts about that fateful day. Hoping to shed light on answers long ignored and censored, both by prominent media outlets and the U.S. government, A Noble Lie peels back what we thought we knew about the bombing and its perpetrators. This film exposes information never before examined or brought to the attention of the American public. ?See here


Model For Colonizing Nations (National Destruction) Banksters Handbook

Steps 1-8 from the handbook of the evil corrupt few that are running the planet. ?Their model; Force and Hypocrisy, used to?destroy whole countries in the name of ?freedom?, ?democracy?, ?human rights? and ?free trade?.? They use utmost force and violence to achieve their ends.???What did you say??? That you don?t?want?to be liberated and democratized??? ?Then take this Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hanoi, Berlin, Dresden, Bagdad, and Basra???? ?Take that Vietnam, Tokyo, Gaza, Kabul, Pakistan, Tripoli, Belgrade, Egypt, El Salvador and Grenada??? ?And that, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Somalia, Africa?????Always bombing people to smithereens?? Of course, always in the name of ?freedom?, ?democracy?, ?human rights? and ?free trade?. ?Read article and watch video from ex-IMF Economic hit man John Perkins?here


Truth11 Films | Armed WithThe Truth, United We Stand

Truth11 Films latest release documents the reasons the 99% have risen. ?It outlines the subjects that need to be discussed, the areas of corruption and areas of government tyranny. ?Set to Famine, by Opeth. See the film here


11/11/11 Unite For World Peace?

November 11 1918 was supposed to be the end of all war. ?Instead the propaganda machine continued and with its perseverance the concept of peace was lost as being normal. Perpetual war was created immediately as war was outlawed. ?By refusing to enforce the ban of the concept of war, perpetual war was born. ?All war is illegal murder. ? ? November 11th was not made a holiday in order to celebrate war, support troops, or cheer in the 11th year of occupying Afghanistan. ?This day was made a holiday in order to celebrate an armistice that ended what was up until that point, in 1918, on of the worst things our species had thus far done to itself, namely World War I. ?.. This November 11th 2011 is one where the truth is known by more people than ever before, 1500 plus cities are in protest and the world is awaking to the reality that we can choose world peace. We can choose prosperity. 11/11/11 Unite for world peace. ?Read article here


Rex 84 Vs. Globalist Shutdown

For many years the globalists, through the federal agencies they control, have treasonously planned to use devastating orchestrated events to suspend constitutional rights and implement martial law. ?The best-known plan for martial law/continuity of government is called REX 84. ?Despite their planning efforts, technology, and billions of dollars spent on martial law training, a handful of activists can utilize simple ?yet powerful tools to ensure martial law is never implemented. This plan is known as Globalist Shutdown. Read article here



From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica , UNGRIP penetrates the illusions and delusions of the legal system with direct relation to the psychology of humanity. See movie here


The Pole Shift In Global Financial Power Is Almost Complete

The process of removing the cabal that has controlled most of the world for the past 300 years is almost complete, according to sources directly involved in the takedown. The takedown is being done by the world?s military, police and intelligence agencies. The group being taken down is the Thule Society, Skull&Bones Nazi conglomerate headed by George Bush Senior. This group was trying to start world war 3 in order to reduce the world?s population by 85% and start a fascist world government. Instead, they will be bankrupted and put in jail. Evidence of the takedown is now becoming visible for all to see. For example the IMF, supposedly the world?s lender of last resort, is saying they have no money to help the Euro. This is publicly available evidence that the post war power structure is ending. ?Read article here


The Rise Of The 9/11 Truth Movement and The Second Western Enlightenment

The growth of the 9/11 truth and justice movement throughout the world is unstoppable. The psychopathic elite and their moronic puppets in governments and media institutions cannot prevent the natural progress of freedom, peace, knowledge, truth, and love??All the establishment sources of information and news, whether television or print, are losing credibility and public trust by the day. They are beyond redemption. Their complicity in war crimes and crimes against democracy will never be forgotten. If they are not in the gutter of history already, they soon will be when 9/11 truth reaches critical mass. ?9/11 truthers and conspiracy theorists are the vanguard of freedom of speech in the West and represent the intellectual resistance to the global totalitarian corporate state that got its big boost after the false flag 9/11 attacks. Read article here


Ten Years After 9/11

10 years after 9/11 the masses are still living in denial and their action of inaction continues to enable mass murder. This must end. We can not allow the masses to stay in their false reality bubble at the cost of millions of lives. We must all act upon the truth. Ten years ago to the day we were attacked by our own government. ? On September 11, 2001 the US government plans of pre-meditated mass murder were carried out on its own people. ?With the intent to enlist the population into perpetual wars of mass murder. ?And to further enslave the human population deeper into the fascist police state. ?An ever controlled life of servitude, enslaved to the same people who?put Hitler in power. ?The same people put Bush and Obama into office and thus the Nazi rule still persists to this day. ?Read article here


Gandhi On Ending Injustice

US injustice in major policies will end when enough Americans speak the truth. The injustice is literal: US government policies with war and economics are in Orwellian violation of basic laws. The annual costs are millions of human lives, billions damned to suffer, and trillions of dollars looted. ?Anyone with intellectual integrity and moral courage can see and say these facts. Read article here


Open proposal for US revolution:

End unlawful wars, parasitic/criminal economics and?expose corporate media as propaganda

Revolution?is from the Latin,?revolutio, a ?turn around? of political power. The US public would revolt and end unlawful US wars and banksters? rigged-casino fraud if they understood and embraced the central facts of these issues. This four-part series of articles provides the central facts, invites passionate public response, and proposes specific revolutionary public action.?Read article here

The King family?s civil trial found the US government guilty of Dr. King?s assassination

US Corporate media refused to cover the trial or?interview Dr. King?s wife. His family?s opinion is that the US government murdered Dr. King to end his protests against unlawful US wars and his call to end poverty.?Read article?here

Over 250 million human beings slaughtered by governments in war

The century within which we were all born witnessed?over 250 million human beings slaughtered by governments in war and atrocities. War is used as a continuous ?foreign policy,? with the US in present egregious and unlawful abuse of their superpower status. History will judge when Americans developed the education competence to evolve beyond endless wars.?Read article?here


Controlled Economic Collapse

Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As The Economic Elite Make Off WIth $46 Trillion

The American public has sustained intensive economic attacks across broad segments of the population. While the attacks have been increasingly severe in scale over the past four years, they have been implemented with technocratic precision. They have been incrementally applied thus far, successfully keeping the population passive and avoiding any large-scale civilian unrest, while effectively reducing living standards for the majority of the population. Read article here


The Riots Of England Are Exactly What The Establishment Want = Don?t Play Into Their Hands = Riots Are Not The Solution

It then comes to a point in time when it is in the best interests of the powers that are in control to let the ponzi scheme they have created collapse. ?The math makes no sense any more, they need it to fail so they can start the next one hundred year pyramid scheme of fractional reserve banking. ?We are at 100% of GDP to service the debt. ?Income tax would have to be raised to 80% to cover the debt. Baby boomers are retiring in mass with nothing to show for their years in the slave system. ?The elite know its going down and they respond by furiously further robbing us blind, transferring even more wealth back to them in fast forward. Foreclosing on houses and taking vast land ownership, crashing markets and daily gouging the lemmings in the stock market corrupt trading system. When it all collapses you will not even have your house to hold up in? and thats their plan. Its not enough they want to enslave us and kill and rob us blind, they want to control us with a tight police state. ?So they instil riots and the masses cry for martial law and beg for a police state. ?We must not fall for this. Read article here.


9/11 International Hearings To Be Held In Toronto

A decade after the events of September 11, 2001, which resulted in the immediate deaths of nearly 3,000 people on American soil, countless victims from toxic dust, and hundreds of thousands of deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq, international hearings on this pivotal event will begin in Toronto in September. The events of September 11 provided a pretext for a?War on Terror?that has led to military invasions and occupations, and attacks upon civil and human rights throughout the world. The credibility of the official investigation into the events of September 11, 2001, carried out by the U.S. Government between 2003 and 2005, has been questioned by millions of citizens in the United States and abroad, including victim family members, expert witnesses and international legal experts. Read article here


There is no freedom, no democracy, and no government accountability in Amerika, a fascist state

Americans are a doomed people for many reasons. One reason is that they are disunited and at one another?s throats and, thus, cannot stand up the tyranny issuing from Washington. Read Article here.


A World Overwhelmed By Western Hypocrisy

As the second decade of the 21st century opens, those who oppose US hegemony and the evil that emanates from Washington risk being declared to be ?terrorists? If they are American citizens, they can be assassinated. ?If they are foreign leaders, their country can be invaded. ? ? And the American sheeple think that they have ?freedom and democracy.? ?. There is nothing left of the American character. ?Only a people who have lost their soul could tolerate the evil that emanates from Washington. ?Read article here


The Government Has Ordered The Media Not To Cover 9/11

The Pentagon Papers have finally been released by the government. ?Yet the statements from Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg about 9/11 have not been covered by the corporate media; what else is new. Read article here


Truth11 Films | Perpetual War

We have been tricked into fighting perpetual wars of mass genocide for pointless profit.? There is no enemy. The enemy is within the US government. All exterior enemies are created to justify the advancing military industrial complex. There is only one way war will end. ?The masses must rise up, unite, and demand world peace. Here is Truth11 Films latest short film set to The Lotus Eater by Opeth. ?Perpetual War; ?See film here


Plans For A Permanent War Against Terror | A War Against A Fake Terror Al-CIA-da

By declaring a global war against nameless individuals, organizations and nations ?associated? with the Taliban and al Qaeda, as well as those playing a supporting role in their efforts, the Detainee Security Act would appear to grant the president near unfettered authority to initiate military action around the world without further congressional approval. ?Read articles?here?and here


Manufactured Reality + A Politically Constructed History

The American people are prisoners of state terror and victims of totalitarian propaganda. The American mind has been under a government and media siege ever since September 11, 2001 when the Bush administration committed the deadliest terrorist attack against America in U.S. history. But there are no cages, or military guards on the streets to signify that America is imprisoned. Guns are not needed to secure an illegitimate reign when people self-police their thoughts and police others by calling them conspiracy theorists if they champion a view of reality that is in stark contrast to the one that the men in power profess and the official ministers of propaganda publicize day and night. Read article here


Al Qaeda: A CIA Database | Not A Terrorist Group

Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that ?Al Qaeda? is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Read article here


Bilderberg Meeting 2011 ? Swiss National Councillors Letter About This Corrupt Group

This Group unites a kind of European and global elite of Bankers, Industrialists, Diplomats, US and European NATO Brass, crowned heads, Media groups, their Moguls and Editors, as well as Heads of States, whether retired or not, which coordinates, exchanges, organizes and structures, out of all democratic control, the major guidelines towards economic globalization. Considering that the notions of sovereignty and independence are obsolete, if not hindrances to an open Market, this discreet Group develops an ultra-liberal, Free Trade society model, with a (unique) world currency and the IMF as Treasurer. Read article here


New Madrid fault line attack underway, 15 nuclear reactors targeted

The ?once in 500 year? flooding of the Mississippi river over the New Madrid fault line is part of a campaign directed against the American people, according to multiple intelligence agency (MI6, CIA, FSB, Japan Security police) sources. The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a ?nuclear emergency? involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. The best way to derail this plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington D.C., is to widely announce and denounce these plans in advance. Read article here


Fake Death Of Bin Laden + The War On Terror False Flag Operation

By now, you are probably worn out from all the speculation about the actual events in Pakistan that claim the death of the public enemy No 1. No photos of a dead Osama bin Laden, burial at sea, instant DNA results and changing versions with every new news report gets old quickly. Capturing him alive for interrogation would maximize the intelligence quest, if that were the real goal. If any significance should be assigned to this account, now is the time to re-evaluate the entire nature of the War on Terror that has destroyed America more in the last ten years than any attack on home soil. Read article here


The Collapse Of Our Modern World + The Birth Of ?A Better One

The root cause of most these problems that are bringing down our world right now is bad government. It is bad government (Big Government) that approved the GMOs. Bad government enforced the medical monopoly and allowed the pesticides to kill the honeybees. Bad government drove us into inescapable debt and costly foreign wars. Bad government outlawed health freedom and protected the monopolistic practices of the food companies, drug companies and chemical companies. The downfall of modern human civilization is, as you probably guessed, also the downfall of the very idea that Big Government creates a better society. Because if there?s one idea that needs to stay dead after the collapse, it?s the idea that We the People somehow need another group of people (government workers) to live off our hard work while hounding us with their false authority, directing every little detail of our lives. What we need in our world isn?t more government, but more freedom. If we had freedom, integrity and personal responsibility, we wouldn?t even be facing the global collapse that has already begun. Read article here.


The Global Economy?s Corporate Crime Wave

The world is drowning in corporate fraud, and the problems are probably greatest in rich countries ? those with supposedly ?good governance.? Poor-country governments probably accept more bribes and commit more offenses, but it is rich countries that host the global companies that carry out the largest offenses. Money talks, and it is corrupting politics and markets all over the world. ?Read article here


Sociapitalism: How the Government Became the Next Bubble | When This Bubble Bursts America Will Be Changed Forever

In the last thirteen years, a new financial order replaced capitalism in America. With cat-like tread, this transformation has caught most Americans unaware, let alone some of country?s best financial minds (many of them fascist anyway).?This new order constitutes the socializing of risk. ?Read article here


Quantum Physics + Mind Over Matter

Quantum physics has proven that all matter at the subatomic level exists in wave form, and that matter only appears solid when we, as the observer, use our senses to decode and?perceive?the wave patterns in space and time. ?Significantly, thoughts, especially concentrated thoughts, also form measurable wave patterns. ?And thought waves have proven to affect observable matter in the physical world. Read article here


5 Words Used To Control + Enslave Us

These 5 words are the keys to casting the spell in the attorneys? legal jargon trickery. All commercial transactions / contracts have been designed to remove the men and women from the equation and replace with a legal fictional entity in the matrix system. Read article here


Centralized government identity program dismissed as being too draconian for Communist China

Gets go ahead in United States

A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk of identity theft while providing the government with a national ID system through the backdoor, paving the way for a world wide web in which users will need government permission to access the Internet. Read article here


Destroy The Globalists, One Fat Cat Corporations At A Time

Many may ask, ?How exactly can we boycott the globalists when they control everything???The answer is by systematically boycotting and replacing them with local alternatives. You can actually start today, by boycotting corporations you may not have even considered part of this nefarious agenda and corporations you not only can certainly live without, but would be better off for it. It requires absolutely no money at all, in fact, it will save you money in the long run and if you decide to replace them, you may learn a valuable skill-set in the process. Read article here


Suppressing Truth and Promoting War: A New York Times Tradition

During and since WW II alone, America killed millions of mostly civilian Japanese, Germans, Italians, Koreans, Southeast Asians, Central Americans, Africans, Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis, and now Libyans. Read how the New York Times is party to genocide. Just like the rest of the mass media circus. ?Here


Flying Saucer Technology Released

Nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, has come forward as being the developer of the technology being used in Iran?s new ?flying saucer.? His technology is claimed to harness magnetism and gravity to allow travel throughout the solar system and beyond. Read article here


Legalizing War With Secret Memos

Justice Department memos?legalizing? the crime of aggressive war were secret. Now they?re published quickly, and there?s a new one out on Libya (PDF). It begins:?The President had the constitutional authority to direct the use of military force in Libya because he could reasonably determine that such use of force was in the national interest.?? Prior congressional approval was not constitutionally required to use military force in the limited operations under consideration.? April 1, 2011.? read article here


Obama?s Position On Assassinations

The Democrat in office has taken a position on unilateral murder so extreme as to be ?profoundly troubling? in its legal reach and potential for future use. Read article here


9/11 Stand Down Orders

The 9/11 attacks have directly led to a dangerous interventionist US foreign policy based on preemptive military action that has transcended administrations and political paradigms.?The key to understanding how 9/11 was possible can be found in a single government document, presented in context by Ventura in stunning detail.?Just two short months prior to 9/11, then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld oversaw a significant change to DoD procedures for dealing with hijacked aircraft, making it the personal responsibility of the Defense Secretary to issue intercept orders.?Of course, on 9/11 no such intercept orders were issued to NORAD, and three of four hijacked airliners were able to hit their targets with precision accuracy, paving the way for literal modern military crusade into the middle east, and now into Africa. Read article here

Jesse Ventura?s New book, 63 Documents The Government Doesn?t Want You To Read, blows the lid off top secret black ops


Libya: Another War, Another Pack of Lies

The United States, Britain and NATO don?t care about bombing civilians to contain rebellion. Their militaries bomb civilians every day without mercy. They have destroyed most of the community infrastructure of Iraq and Afghanistan before turning their sights on Libya. Read 11 Articles on Libya in 1 here


?Support The Troops? Is One Of The Most Cruel Hoaxes In History

Support the troops? is a clever PR slogan that causes Americans to turn a blind eye to the brutal exploitation of our soldiers and military families for profit and for an evil ideology. Our soldiers and military families are paying for the Bush/Cheney/Obama/neocon wars with lives, limbs, post-traumatic stress, suicides, broken marriages, children without fathers, wives without husbands, and parents without sons and daughters. Read article here.


Japan Earthquake + Tsunami Caused By HAARP and Nukes In the Seabed

The horrific earthquake weapon attack on Japan, resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan?s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sources. ?Read articles here and?here and a video explanation here


Rothschild Bankers Looting Nations Through World Bank/IMF

The World Bank/IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild & Sons plus 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world. For over 150 years they have planned to take over the planet through money. The former chief economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz, was fired in 2000. He pointed out to top executives that every country the IMF/World Bank forced their way into ended up with a crashed economy, a destroyed government, and some even broke out in riots. ?Read article here


The Connection Between Military Dominance + Planned Economic Crisis

The book?Global Economic Crisis carefully ties militarization with the planned economic meltdown.The New World Order?s systematic destruction of the planet?s middle classes so as to concentrate wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer families. While global uprisings now threaten global governance under a single currency, scheming rulers have long anticipated this reaction. In?The Global Economic Crisis, we learn exactly how a planet-wide military dictatorship plans to enforce its feudal vision. Read article here


Truth11 Films | Techno Revolution + Self-Government System

Truth11 films latest short film is a call to action for peaceful instant global techno revolution, followed by a system that is already in place for global self-government. We are highly connected, we are highly equipped to unite. ?United we stand for self-government over new world order tyranny. ?Watch?here



Eliminating The Entire Federal Government Structure Is The Answer

The entire rationalization for the?War of Terror?against the American people rests upon the willful surrender of our most precious natural rights to a corrupt government. The?Geheime Staatspolizei secret state police spawn the Homeland Security society. The criminal acts of the TSA are an affront to every citizen. ? ??In this new century, irrevocably harmed is caused by the phony domestic terror phobia. America is a mere shell of herself. Pile on the forced tax to fund socialized medicine over the intense opposition of regular people and you have a perfect storm. How can reform be a practical option when faced with such a perverse political system? ? ?The only sensible path for sincere and courageous souls is to work towards a replacement of the central government model of governance. Eliminating the entire Federal Government structure may seem to be impossible. However, aided in this task are the very actions of an evil system! All empires collapse. The United States is no more a monolithic union than the nations of the world are a global brotherhood. ?The myth that citizens owe an allegiance to a failed federation is absurd. ?Read Article here


Revolution Without Violence

The American power structure has been set reeling by something that is simply outside the boundaries of their mental universe: a non-violent, non-sectarian, non-ideological, leaderless revolution by ordinary people. Read article here


Self Sufficiency | Food Production

There are many gardening techniques that can produce an abundance of food for you and your family without requiring a lot of space, money or equipment. Read article here.

Self-Sufficiency: a universal solution to the globalist problem

Self-sufficiency and the harassing of technology in the hands of the people are the greatest fears of the global oligarchy ? fears that oligarchs throughout the centuries have harbored. Simply boycotting the globalists? corporations and replacing them with local solutions is something everyone can afford to do starting today. Read article here


Techno Revolution

United We Stand, Connected, Organized + Armed With The Truth

The ability of the social networks to organize a protest almost overnight, because people of similar beliefs and commitments are in close communication with others, has completely changed the nature of political resistance and revolution. This system of revolution toppled a middle eastern dictatorship in less than a month. It threatens to topple two more before the end of February: Yemen and Egypt. We have entered into a new period political resistance. Read Article Here


Thirty Little Known Facts About America

IRS, IMF, UN, US Treasury,?FCC, CIA, FBI, NSA and Executive Orders? Read article here


Deconstructing The Sovereign United States

We the people are viewed as the greatest threat to a malevolent government and its partnering corporations and the expansion of what is becoming a full blown police state.? The security the government desires is not from foreign terrorists, but rather, from us. ?Read Article Here



?[T]he occupier, by seeing this sign (V), always the same, infinitely repeated, [would] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.? ?Read Article Here



The Council of Foreign Relations figured out how many news stations, radio stations and publications it would take to control the majority of opinion. ?They purchased them and put an editor in place in every one. ? See movie explaining how this elite group has controlled the big picture with propaganda?from so many angles it has brainwashed a nation?here.


The Collective Evolution

?The Collective Evolution? is a documentary aimed at showing the current state of the world, why it needs to be changed, and how each and every one of us can play a role in changing it. Watch Movie Here


Zeitgeist Moving Forward

?The world is going bankrupt, (whatever the hell that means), because of this idea called debt, which doesn?t even exist in the physical reality. ?Its only part of a game we have invented, yet the well-being of billions of people is now being compromised. ?Extreme lay-offs, tent cities, accelerating poverty, austerity measures imposted, schools shutting down, child hunger,and other levels familiar deprivation all because of this elaborate fiction?what are we fucking stupid? ? See the first 3 movies here, Read Truth11?s review of the movie: there are some mixed reviews of this movie, and for good reason. ?Don?t let the message get lost due to corruption of even the purest ideas and watch the New movie Zeitgeist Moving Forward here


Obama Is CIA

After eight brutal years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the nation was ready for any change. Unfortunately, the CIA, through LOOKING GLASS, MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE, PANDORA, and other behavioral science programs were ready to answer the call. The CIA answered the call with Obama and most of us bought him and his ?Hope and Change? propaganda fecundity ?nurtured? by CIA programs going back some sixty years. Read article here


Lets Reclaim History

This is not an American government at all. It is a gang.

The deceitful and manipulative leaders in the CIA, the Federal Reserve, the White House, the State Department, and the Pentagon are the most destructive force in the world, and pose the greatest existential threat to human civilization, and world peace. ?Read article here


10 New Year?s Re-Solutions For Non-Violent Rebellion

Because our representative democracy has become a fraud, and the media and courts are clearly shills for the oligarchs, our only action appears to be non-violent rebellion; one person and community at a time. We can expose the crimes and immorality of the corporate state through civil disobedience and conscientious objection. We can punish multinational companies who commit flagrant fouls on humanity and the environment by boycotting them. Additionally, we can peacefully regain our liberty by becoming less dependent on the system for our basic needs. Read article here


9/11 Billboards | We Need More Of These

If you are going to donate any money to truth organizations, may we suggest putting money into billboards. ?We need more of these. ?In what may be the first of it?s kind in the nation, a group of 9/11 Truth activists organized, designed and paid for a commercial billboard in which 1,200 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth invite the public to ?Examine the Evidence.? Read article here


Big Brother Watches You But You Are Not Allowed To Know Its Secrets

One of the hallmarks of an authoritarian government is its fixation on hiding everything it does behind a wall of secrecy while simultaneously monitoring, invading and collecting files on everything its citizenry does. ?Based on the Francis Bacon aphorism that ?knowledge is power,? this is the extreme imbalance that renders the ruling class omnipotent and citizens powerless. Read article here


Secret Underground Shelters | Denver International Airport

Built by the Masonic New World Airport Commission. The Denver International Airport covers the US largest secret underground shelter. ?It is adorned with disturbing graphic images of burning bushes, people in coffins, children crying, and a soldier with an AK47 and sword killing the dove of peace. ?Images you would not expect to find in an airport. ?Put there to illustrate the purpose of the facility. ?Read article and watch documentaries here


Jesse Ventura | Conspiracy Theory | Seasons 1 and 2

Episodes covering; 2012, Secret Societies, HAARP, Big Brother, Plum Island, Area 51, Wall St, FEMA Camp | Police State, ?JFK Assassination, 911 / Pentagon, Manchurian Candidate, World Wide Water Conspiracy, Gulf Oil Spill, Global Warming and the Great Lakes. Watch the episodes here


The Rand Corporation: ?A top secret think tank has been pulling the strings of American government for at least 60 years

?We?re all the bastard children of RAND and we don?t even know it,? RAND started off as an organization centered around building new weapons for the military but ultimately expanded into politics, science, history and economics and was closely allied with the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. RAND was instrumental in developing the strategy behind the use of nuclear weapons, and how they actively promoting nuking the entirety of Eastern Europe as well as China in case of problems in Western Europe, a policy that could easily have sparked off a catastrophic nuclear holocaust. RAND researchers believed that as long as 10 million Americans survived a nuclear war, the war was won. Read article here


To Question The Official 9/11 Story Is Simply And Fundamentally Revolutionary

To question the government story about 9/11 is to question the very foundations of our entire modern belief system regarding our government, our country and our way of life?Bring on the revolution | Pentagon whistleblowers call for a new 9/11 investigation Read article here


The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America

This is a very good film showing the systematic approach the government has taken to dumb down America. ?Covering the education system, poisoning of citizens, fluoridation, and over medication of the population. ?See movie here


Let The Banks Collapse and Free Us All From Slavery

The peoples of Ireland, Portugal, Spain etc. are looking at Iceland and realizing its is better for a country to allow banks to collapse that it is to take on generations of debt slavery. ?Ireland is now expected to be the first country to leave the Euro. ?They will not be the last. Read article?here


Fly The US Governments True Flag and Judge Their Actions Accordingly

Look at the actions of the US government over the past 70+ years, and judge each action with the governments true flag flying. ? You will see the forest for the trees. Read Article Here


In America today, there are approximately five unemployed workers for every single job opening

The truth is that there are not nearly enough jobs out there for everyone that wants one.? In fact, it isn?t even close. Read article here


Is WikiLeaks Going To Help The Government Kill The First Amendment and The Bill Of Rights?

Is This The Excuse They Need To Shut Down The Internet?

In order to convert the United States into a third world slave gulag with a high-tech police state overlay, the ruling elite will target and attempt to liquidate alternative media. Eventually extraditing and prosecuting Julian Assange as an enemy of the state is an important element in the effort to kill the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Read articles here and here and here.


The Chemtrail Cover-Up

Clandestine NASA-military programs are poisoning the environment. Read article here


The Big Picture Truth About The Global Warming Scam

Enough is enough of this complete bullshit

Several years ago, the sun was unusually active and all the planets in our solar system experienced a time of ?global warming?. That is a fact which many global warming alarmists just conveniently ignore. If man was the primary cause of ?global warming? then why were all of the other planets in our solar system experiencing increased temperatures as well? The green agenda is becoming increasingly linked to the population control agenda. Today there are literally millions of people who actually believe that we need to dramatically reduce the number of humans on the planet for the good of the earth. Read article here


Nazis, Eugenics, Floride and The Rockefeller Foundation

Depopulation programs forged by the Rockefeller foundation in association with the Nazis were the basis of modern day incarnations of eugenics like fluoride poisoning and vaccinations.

Blaylock explains how the eugenics movement began in America through Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie funding and what originated as The Science of Man project, which was an effort to socially engineer humanity to weed out those deemed ?undesirable? to the elite. ?Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century.?- Robert Carlton, Ph.D, former EPA scientist, 1992 The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and deception. Governments that add fluoride to drinking water supplies insist that it is safe, beneficial and necessary, however, scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not safe to ingest and areas that fluoridate their drinking water supplies have higher rates of cavities, cancer, dental fluorosis, osteoporosis and other health problems. Read articles Here +?Here


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