Posted in Blog, News on November 26, 2012 | leave a comment
We are so pleased to once again partner with NBC Universal and for Pet ?Net 2012. It?s their 5th anniversary! ?Once again the country?s pet-influenced bloggers are raising awareness about a topic dear to our hearts and the pet community: ?Pet Adoption. ?This campaign runs for the next five days, (Nov 26th-30th) so be sure to visit Pet ?Net?s hub page to enter your zip code. ?Once the zips are tallied, a $5000 donation from Petside will be given to a local animal shelter in the winning community. ?The winning shelter will be announced on December 17th.
Of course senior pet adoption is our baby. ?Walk in a shelter and puppies come and go, but older pets stick around much longer or don?t make it out at all. ?This story may change your

Greg (holding Treesy) with Kate and the late Puma
Kate Paskal and her boyfriend Greg Stephens walked into the Humane Society of Missouri last year on a mission. ??When we walked into the adoption room, all the young dogs were in their kennels barking. There was one dog in a kennel separated from the rest with warning notes and signs on top of her kennel. Instead of barking, she was sitting in the back far corner. When they first brought her into the adoption room she was scared and cowering by the door. We sat on the floor with her and tried to make her feel comfortable. We went in to the Humane Society that day specifically wanting to see her. We knew she was older, and older dogs do not get adopted as often. We wanted to give her a good home, she deserved that,? said Kate.
Like a lot of homeless pets, many have interesting and sometimes painful back-stories. At 9 years old, Treesy had her share. ?The pretty Beagle had already been rescued from an abusive situation when she arrived last year at the Humane Society of Missouri. ?Then, she got a break! ?Someone adopted her, but Treesy turned out to be a bit of a Houdini with the ability to disappear and run away. ?She was gone for a week, and the new adopter feared she?d do it again. ?So she ended up back at the shelter and suffered another bout of bad luck. ?Treesy injured her foot, but eventually

Treesy relaxing at home
two guardian angels, Kate and Greg rescued her.
Shortly after that, Treesy took off again. ?Actually, about three days after we had her home Greg was at the park with her and Puma. He accidentally dropped the leash and she went running. We were worried we were never going to see her again because of what had happened previously. She was missing for about an hour or so and then my younger sister, Molly, found her in the bushes. Luckily, her leash had gotten stuck. After that happened, we were worried and made sure to keep a tight grip on the leash. However, I don?t think she would run away from us now.?
Kate, Greg, Treesy and their other dog Puma were a happy family. ?Treesy was so happy with her new family and her new BFF, Puma. ?However it didn?t last long. ?Puma had cancer. ??It happened really suddenly. He got diagnosed with a very aggressive tumor when we noticed he had a bulge in his belly. After getting diagnosed we only had a month or so with him. It was awful and I miss him everyday,? Kate said.
Missing her friend, Tressy adjusted when they were hit with more bad news. ?During a routine teeth cleaning at the vet, they discovered a malignant tumor. ?Kate and Greg had a few options. ??We could do a surgery that would remove the entire lower left side of her jaw, or we could do minimally invasive chemo. The doctor told us if we didn?t do anything she might have 6 months to live,? said Kate.
They discussed Treesy?s options with family, friends and the people at HSMO who knew her so well and they opted for chemo. ?Kate said, ?The chemo treatments stopped the growth of the tumor and made it less inflamed. We will be forever grateful to her doctor for giving us more time with her. She is no longer getting treatments. Her tumor has gotten bigger and it does make it difficult for her to eat. We know we don?t have a lot longer with her, and are trying to keep her comfortable for as long as we can.?
That includes taking her to the beach, now that the couple has moved from St. Louis to

Greg and Treesy at the beach.
sunny California. ?Treesy is officially a California girl. ?Kate says, ?Without a doubt, she is a Cali girl. During the winter months last year it was always a dream of ours to take her back and let her walk around on the sand at the beach. We took her to a beach in Santa Cruz.?
So they love, spoil and comfort Treesy, who now walks along the beach with two people who didn?t let her age for one second stop them from adopting her.
?Treesy?s age didn?t matter to us when going in to adopt her. Puppies get adopted all the time and most often haven?t been through too much trauma in their lives. We wanted to give her the life she deserved. We highly encourage people to think about adopting an older dog. You are really allowing a dog to have a second chance at life.? Friends and Partners
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